
Discover Our Mentoring Programs


Personalized support by an inspiring mentor to propel a mentee towards their goals.

It’s the story of King Ulysses who goes to war and entrusts his son to his friend Mentor to guide and support him during his journey… Nowadays, job seekers are also a bit like heroes on a quest, aren’t they?

Mentoring is a voluntary relationship of support and exchange, where an experienced person invests their wisdom and experience to foster the development of another person. This relationship helps mentees acquire skills, achieve professional or academic goals, and overcome challenges related to their progress.

Learn more about our methodology and various projects below!

Our Methodology


At Backstage.Network, we implement mentoring programs for higher education and employment. Throughout the year, we organize:

  • Consulting for setting up your mentoring program.
  • Information sessions and training for mentors focused on soft skills and the job market.
  • Community events based on collective intelligence activities as well as resource and experience sharing.
  • Screening of each mentor and mentee to better understand their respective preferences and mentoring needs.
  • Matching mentor-mentee pairs based on our expertise to achieve the best possible “match” and regular follow-up of the pairs.
  • An evaluation at the end of the program or follow-up to measure results and officially close the pairs.

Our Mentoring Programs in Numbers:


The average number of mentoring pairs supported each year


The number of mentors we train each year


The positive outcome rate of our employment mentoring projects

6 months

The duration of support for a mentoring pair

The UAE-ULB Mentoring Project

Who better than ULB alumni to understand the difficulties and challenges of student life?
Since 2020, we have been collaborating with the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Union des Anciens de l’ULB on a Mentoring Project for students and recent graduates. The mentors, former students of the university, volunteer to help young people through various types of support:

    • Moral support and self-confidence
    • Career guidance and professional projection
    • Methodology and work organization
    • Job search strategies
    • Networking, sharing contacts and opportunities
    • Understanding and studying an academic subject

Since the start of the project, we have supported over 300 members of the university.

Pairs can be matched based on their common faculties as well as their mentoring needs and shared interests. In addition to ongoing support, we organize launch and closing events, community events, mentor peer reviews, office hours, and regularly share resources to support and ensure the smooth running of each mentoring relationship.

The MentorYou Project

MentorYou is a project led by two associations: Pour la Solidarité and Backstage.Network. Together, they combine their expertise in socio-professional integration (ISP), diversity, and business to offer a collaborative approach to job searching between:

  • Job seekers: mentees
  • Inspiring professionals from various Brussels-based companies: mentors
  • ISP advisors, facilitators, training centers, companies: the Backstage.Network community

Our mentors are inspiring and trained professionals from various private or public Brussels-based companies who voluntarily share their time, experiences, insights, and networks. Over a period of 6 months, pairs meet twice a month to advance the professional goals of the mentees.

Employment Mentoring with Inspiring Companies


In the context of corporate mentoring, mentors are employees of the partner company, and mentees are job seekers. These mentors, with diverse profiles, help mentees achieve their professional goals by sharing their experience, offering advice, and helping them develop their skills and better understand the job market.

This type of mentoring is distinguished by several dimensions:

  • Professional immersion
  • Strengthening acculturation and networking
  • Accessibility of companies
  • Improving perception of the job market
  • Empowering companies in professional integration

For the company, this practice offers numerous benefits, including a positive societal impact by contributing to the employment of Brussels residents, the development of the talents and skills of their employees, increased motivation and job satisfaction through a sense of social usefulness, as well as improved employee retention and attraction of new talent.

We benefit from a strong network of companies that, over 5 years, has allowed us to achieve more than 300 connections between young people and inspiring companies, through initiatives such as speed mentoring, relational mentoring, internships, and professional integration.

Contact Us to Set Up Your Mentoring Program 


Do you want to set up a mentoring program in your higher education institution, your faculty, or your company? Let’s discuss it 👇