Higher Education

Develop your mentoring program

Support your students in their challenges while keeping your alumni community vibrant and dynamic!

Why mentoring for students and graduates?

More than one in two students fails their first year of a Bachelor’s degree, and following failure, young people tend to abandon their studies rather than consider reorientation or repeating the year. These figures from ARES date back to 2013, yet the trend continues: between 50% and 60% of students do not succeed in their first year of higher education.

Indeed, the study period can be a time of great fragility for students. It can be synonymous with economic insecurity, loss of direction and academic isolation, negative impacts on mental health, vocational indecision, etc.

The transition from studies to employment also brings uncertainties and questions: In which sector should I work? How can I make up for my lack of experience? Where and how should I search? Actiris also observes an upward trend since 2020 in the unemployment rate of highly qualified job seekers, approaching the rate of “low-skilled” individuals.

Mentoring facilitates the transition between secondary and higher education, strengthens self-efficacy through role models, helps students acquire the codes of higher education, restores meaning to learning through professional projection, and promotes professional integration through network development and better understanding of the job market.

A tool for social policy


Since 2021, Backstage.Network has developed and implemented a customized mentoring program for ULB students and graduates in collaboration with InfOR-Emploi, the Union of Former ULB Students, the Student Social Service, and the Alumni Service. Over 170 ULB students have benefited from the program, with 94% satisfaction from the community regarding the matching process.

Do you also want to implement a mentoring program in your higher education institution? Or would you like more information about our offer, the benefits of mentoring, or the impact of our program?

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