Our social network for employment

The First Social Network Dedicated to Your Professional Integration!

Join a supportive community to energize your job search.

Want to Energize Your Job Search?
Our social network connects you to the job market!

Connect to the first social network dedicated to your professional integration!

Here you will find job market news, advice, and resources to develop your project and boost your job search.

You can share your ideas and tips with other job seekers, meet inspiring people in various companies, find contacts in your field, join groups related to your interests, and ask for and receive help.

Don’t search for a job alone in isolation: share, cooperate, network!

The Backstage.Network Community Supports You

Get Inspired

Expand your network, exchange ideas, and cooperate with over 2500 members


Find advice and tips to envision and realize your project

Help Each Other

Join support groups to boost your motivation and collaborate

Expand Your Network and Find Answers

Looking for guidance on your career path or information about a training program? More than 2500 members have already joined our platform and are ready to answer all your questions. Connect with one of our many inspiring professionals, volunteers from various sectors, and find the answers you need to advance your career.

Discover new opportunities and connect with the local ecosystem

Every week, we share free events, unique opportunities, and practical tips to support you through all stages and challenges of your professional integration. Whether you are in the reflection phase, transitioning, or actively job searching, you will find essential information to overcome challenges in your job market integration.

Our social network aims to fully connect you to the local ecosystem. That’s why we highlight a variety of projects, services, and initiatives available for job seekers. By presenting these resources, our goal is to provide you with all the keys to maximize your chances of success and professional growth.

Join a Support Group and Collaborate

Do you want to be supported in your efforts, collaborate, and share best practices with other job seekers? Are you looking to develop new skills? Our thematic support groups are here to boost your motivation and provide the support you need to succeed. By joining these groups, you will benefit from the experience of other members and actively participate in a supportive and dynamic community.

Our platform is entirely dedicated to your success, with no advertising or commercial intent. Here, you will only find authentic resources and sincere exchanges, designed and shared to best support you in your journey.

Which Career or Studies to Choose?
Our inspirators are here to help you!